Wednesday, February 01, 2006

i was at hidden lake, which is a cabin/retreat center in the sierra nevada mountains. i rode in the church van with kristin burtoft to get there. we dove in the lake as soon as we got there and felt great, thinking that i could swim out to these rocks that people jumped off of (in real life when i was there and did so, i ended up very winded because of my sports induced asthma.) all of the sudden, giant waves started breaking over us from the wake of a big boat that was motoring around (hidden lake is not huge and when i've been there we just used a cute little rowboat, so this giant sportsboat was really out of place) we decided to get out and sit on the pier for a while. as we watched the water, it started to clear and as it did, i saw minnows, then small fish, and then big fish all teeming in the water i had just been swimming in. kristin pointed at the surface of the water and there skimming across the top was a large water snake. it had horned ears, long slitted eyes, and was yellow golden in color. it was slightly robotic looking and very beautiful. i decided then i would never go back into the water. (a little side note: i did see two snakes gliding across the water at hidden lake before.)

in another part of my dream, i was living in a small one story house with jay. it was about four in the morning and i looked up to see mia's face in our bedroom window. i went to the front door to see what she wanted. she was very angry and started asking me questions about some pants that i owned and soem girl named christina. somehow it was all over a guy. i had no idea what she was talking about.


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