Sunday, April 16, 2006

I was on a road trip/run from the law with Tammie Krep and this guy I don't know- He had the sass of a high school bully. I remember stopping at a school for some reason. We ran to the pool and there were two different ones for boys and girls and a section for homosexuals in both. I remember being in the water and getting the dream drowning feeling. We left pretty quick because segregated swimming class was in progress. The school was huge and we ate samples like there would be in a grocery store only they were huge pieces of cake and brownies. Henri and Nico where there and I followed Henri into an attic with tons of rats- Nico took the elevator.
We got kicked out of school and went to the Good Samaritan thrift store which was huge and we bought lots of stuff. Em was there and she asked me if I found anything good.


Blogger Rosemeyer said...

Nico took the elevator!

16/4/06 3:44 PM  
Blogger emsley said...

he would take the elevator...

18/4/06 9:27 AM  

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