Tuesday, June 13, 2006

American Psycho Pt. II

This is what happens when you drink too much rum before bed...Ok, so this morning I woke up in Alicia's bed to the *most disturbing noise* **EVER**! And I was quite certain that it was the credits to my dream...which was the movie American Psycho, except it was an extended version and Alicia and I had been starring in it/living it! Yeah. So if you're still following, it (the "plot" to my movie/dream) went like this...

Alicia, Leroy, Marc Stasiowski and myself were on a camping excursion...Patrick Bateman was there...with snakes. The snakes were hidden under things and released into places to scare us. There were mountains and caves. Alicia took each of us up to the top of a mountain to show us something she found. She was ornery and mischievous, we could tell...but it didn't mean she was on Bateman's "side" or anything. When we got to the top of the mountain, she told us to get on our hands and knees and crawl back into this rock cave and "take a look". There were 3 severed fingers on the floor of this cave--my hand grazed them and I could feel they were still warm!!! It was disgusting!! But Alicia seemed only slightly bugged by this...she then told us to peek over the edge of the cliff and look down at our campsite. It was then that we started to think she might be in cohorts with Bateman. Bateman saw us peeking and started to climb up the mountain towards us...we stole Alicia's car and got out of there! But not without another encounter with a long, skinny, gray snake!

Alicia told us the way to escape was by water. I trusted her. She & I left Leroy & Marc and got into these large yellow innertubes and started down river. At some point, there was a fork in the river and to the left was a cement-lined, man-made "lazy river" like at a water park, but to the right the real river continued. Alicia and I decided to ride the lazy river into the water park...only it was really Cedar Point all the way in Ohio. We'd snuck in and decided to ride all the rides--only we didn't have yellow wrist bands, so we were afraid we'd get caught & thrown out of the park, and this meant we'd be back in Bateman's clutches!! So, we got back in the car and went to look for Marc & Leroy...while on the road, Bateman jumped out from the woods and blocked our car. We screamed, but then realized that he was dying. His head was smashed in and half of his face was eaten. And exactly as this was playing out in my dream...Bateman writhing on the road all bloody and half-eaten...I started to hear a weird beat and a word or phrase being repeated over & over in a robotic voice!!!! It was so horrifying!!! Half-asleep and annoyed, I thought "Oh, I guess I fell asleep and now it's the end of the movie...I need to get up, find the remote, and shut off Alicia's DVD player", but when I woke up, the tv wasn't on (and anyways, we'd been watching Sex & The City last nite, not American Psycho), and I was no longer dreaming....but the noise kept coming!!!

(the next part of this all happened this morning and is NOT part of my dream so I felt it fit better here, and not on DreamsWeDream):


Blogger Rosemeyer said...


13/6/06 6:40 PM  

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