Tuesday, July 04, 2006

last night i slept way too long. my dream included 1. veggie hotdogs. 2. picking fresh strawberries. 3. knowing someone was going to die. 4. the song Adrian by Jewel. my mom kept talking about that song. when i finally woke up today there were fresh strawberries (picked at a farm) and the song Adrian in my head.


Blogger Reese said...

wow, i didn't know you even knew that song...actually, it's kinda even weirder that *colleen* knew that song...huh...interesting...

4/7/06 3:13 PM  
Blogger Reese said...

ps this picture of jewel looks an awful lot like that chick from "chasing amy"...

4/7/06 3:13 PM  
Blogger bethany said...

my mom doesn't know that song. but she did in my dream. and i'll have you know i owned the pieces of you tape (complemets of megan for my birthday).

4/7/06 11:10 PM  

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