Friday, September 29, 2006

-the tanner family, the bluths, and augusten burroughs adopted family in running with scissors.
-books written by every bluth, all of which i had read.
- a memory of being with my grandmother when she died and then remembering that she isn't dead.
-a little girl from the big amalgamated family having to having to go with her family to some country like belgium to be part of a trial or be interogated or something. one of her brothers was narrating about how the government will give his sister anything she would want to eat or drink while he had to spend his last thirty dollars just to get a soda. when they came home, they were going to vacation in cincinnati.
-having a mole that was more like a piercing in my ankle. it was this small gold daisy pin i used to have when i was little. i had a few other tattoos and peircings on my ankle and i was grossed out by them and trying to get rid of them.


Blogger Rosemeyer said...



29/9/06 9:10 AM  
Blogger Reese said...

was it from "daisies"? cause if so, i had one too! (i also had one for "prims" and, of course, "missionettes" too...)

29/9/06 9:36 AM  
Blogger emsley said...

it was. i don't think i have it anymore or have seen it for many years but it was very vivid in my dream.

and yes jason, amalgamated, and believe it or not, it was the first word that came to mind.

29/9/06 11:35 AM  

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