Wednesday, December 27, 2006

i had many odd dreams in my series of naps over the past few days.

Monday, December 04, 2006

creepiness. i was thirteen or fourteen and an older man stared into my house at me. i tried to hide from him but he continually found ways to see me. i tried to tell people about him, but no one would listen to me. i threatened to call the police but when i did, they didn't care either. it was the worst. it brought back my fear of windows which i had forgotten about since we have lived on the second floor for a while. but i honestly can't think of many things that are more frieghtening than being watched from outside a window.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

So, this won't make any sense but here is what I remember. Dane Cook was driving around in his car and doing his comedy routine. Then someone cut him off, I think a tow truck, and he sped after him. There was these people on the side of the road who saw it happen so they called the police. Then my dream cut to Beth answering the phone and telling Dane Cook that Uncle Phil knew all about it and was upset. There was more but I don't remember or understand.