Friday, September 28, 2007

tv dreams

Sunday night, I dreamed that I lived above Tim and Jill Taylor. They lived in their Home Improvement set and I lived in a big open attic-like space above the set.

The next night I dreamed I was Laura Ingells, but from the Little House on the Prairie tv show, not the books. I was watching my family in the opening credits and realized this was the episode I would meet Almonzo, who I would eventually marry. I was annoyed because I remember thinking he was pretty goofy looking, but when the opening credits got to him, sunlight shown all around his face and I thought he was dreamy.


Blogger Rosemeyer said...

There was a guy named Al Monzo in grade school who was a recess monitor.

28/9/07 10:42 PM  
Blogger Jerilyn said...

I'm glad you saw the light. Almonzo is a stud!

18/10/07 2:26 PM  

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