Friday, March 23, 2007

Zeebo took my computer away!

I'm sick today. So sick I had to call off, on truck day - and its the first time I've called off in over three years! Needless to say, I have been sleeping a lot. Not so needless to say, I have been dreaming.

I came into work late because I was sick. The store is empty. Everyone is in a goofy mood. They're bitching about the photo lab. There are two red dogs in the store that are sneaking about. They both appeared from behind, possibly inside, the one-hour photo machine, known as a Gretag (in reality). I go into the office and the walls are made of red brick and its lit strange. The computer is gone. A guy named Zeebo came in and did an audit. He was pissed that Eric did not have it connected to the pharmacy. Eric told me he whispered to the guy: thats because i couldn't give Kelly overtime if it was connected. (also: Ryan sang about Pami over the intercom. I got Jimmies)

Friday, March 09, 2007

A crocodile bit my hand off and took a chunk out of my leg. He could talk. It was scary.

Friday, March 02, 2007

I was at the top of a huge mountain/tree with two guys. We had to get a wedge of cheese to the bottom. We wrapped around a bend and found it was a dead end. One of the guys was Bustass and he jumped rather than turning around. It was close to a 200 foot drop. The other guy decided to go after him to make sure he as ok and somehow, even though they looked dead for a moment or two, they both were ok.