Saturday, August 25, 2007

I have been having very intense dreams every night since camp ended, and most of them involve camp in one way or another. Last night, I dreamed that I was in a class, with some of the counselors from camp, and I had to make a puppet with a girl I went to high school with. It wasn't supposed to be a giraffe, but that's what it ended up looking like, and actually a really nice giraffe. We decided that since it was now a giraffe, it couldn't perform to the song we had pick out, but that "Thriller" would be more appropriate.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I've been having a pile of really intense dreams over the past weeks. A lot of them have stressful dreams about camp even though camp is now over. Last night in which I finally felt like I was doing something good with the kids rather than somehow screwing everything up in all my other dreams. It's funny, but this most recent dream actually makes me feel more at peace about my experience this summer.

I also had a dream that I had to stick a huge needle/pin into the inside of my lip and I had the sensation of my mouth filling up with blood, including the taste.

Dreams are too strange.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

inspired by the washington county fair...i think

the last several nites i've had super vivid dreams...and last nite's was the weirdest of them all...

i was at a carnival where paris hilton and i were playing some game kinda like ring toss...we were both taking the game *very* fact, we were practically stepping all over each other in order to throw our...err, items(??) see, the reason i said the game was *kinda* like ring toss was because we weren't throwing rings...we were actually throwing cucumber slices. and the object was to get the cucumber slices into these little bowls. the bowls already had sushi in them and i think the motivation was that for each bowl we correctly tossed our cucumber slices into, we'd get to eat that bowl of sushi. hence the extreme determination and competition on the part of both paris and myself.