Friday, February 10, 2006

this was one of those incrediblely long dreams so i will pick up from what is most clear until i woke up. beth and i were sleeping in a park on the northwest side of pittsburgh. when we went to sleep, we weren't really thinking that it was a bad idea to sleep in this park in the city because we were lost plus, we wanted to get a head start on clam collecting in the low tide the next morning. when we woke up, i realized we probably shouldn't have slept there, especially because of all the homeless people who were lurking around (they weren't nice homeless people, they were all creepy middle aged men). so i got beth up and we left. we ended up at my grandparent's backyard in erie (sidenote: this has been the site of many of my dreams) there we resumed our clam hunting but somehow got roped into helping out our church's youth group in a huge game of hide and go seek. joel was the seeker and there was no where good to hide. i just wanted to get back to hunting for clams. joel found me and we all were brought back to the church's activity center where pastor gary's son, jesse was preaching. during the end prayer, i wasn't holding my hands right and jerilyn clair felt that she needed to correct me. i responded to her by saying something like, "i don't think god gives a damn about how i hold my hands." once the preyer was over, i got a text message from jesse telling me thanks for swearing during his prayer and why didn't i also say 'jesus christ'? he was being extremely sarcastic. i basically had the whole church mad at me so i went outside to wait for someone to come to talk to me about what happened, but i just kept getting angry text messages. i was really angry and hurt.


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