Friday, April 28, 2006

The Worst EVER.

Last nite, Seth Miller (aka "Crackhead" from high school) forced me to have sex with him. It wasn't rape--he was just reallllllly insistant.

Now I go camping! Oh, there was another part...Beth had a twin, though they looked nothing alike. They both wore plastic sleeveless dresses made out of Hawaiian leis--Beth's was bright green and the twin's was yellow. They were standing on a bridge convincing passers-by of something.

NOW I go camping. Bye!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I saw Mat walking with a friend. I was driving.
That's it. That's all I remember. I am so imaginative when I'm asleep.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I was at the mall... as most dreams of mine include. I think it was haunted or something with zombies. Anyway, I had to steal toilet paper from ChickfilA because I didn't have the money to buy my own. Emily, Leah, Bekah, Bonnie, Shula, Lauren, and pretty much everyone I worked with at any given time were in the dream. I think Jimmy from the pretzel shop was there, too.
I was going through CDs and was urging back and forth with a Bekah/Bonnie hybrid about how Em had a lot of music. They claimed she didn't.
I also had to run around this huge hotel and find things... mostly people. Part of this bled into the mall parking lot and these kids who went to church with Dave Watt were in a car with fake blood on. My dad was in this part, too. He did something significant but I can't remember what.
And there was something about me acting out the part of a mentally challanged baby. My gram loved my performance.
i was really good friends with this guy who was gay. i may have actually been married to him, but i think his wife was someone else. he and his wife we just really good friends and were more support to each other then people in love. he had never had sex. his wife was always trying to find someone to sleep with him. there was a tv show about him and his wife and my parents were really eager to watch the episode when he finally lost his virginity.

i woke up around 3 am or so and when i fell back asleep i dreamt that i was trying to tell everyone about my dream and no one would listen to me. i was put in charge of a chipmunk on a leash in my back yard. joel had a squirrel on a leash. it was some sort of act that we got paid to do. i hated the chipmunk because it continually attacked me. it was really strong for how tiny it was.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

in my dream last night i had sexual interactions with mike parrish. thats right. mike parrish. that's all i feel the need to write about that.
at another point i was also a lesbian flower (a dandelion) who was hiding from another lesbian flower. what the hell? em's dream was clearly better.
a bunch of us were at my grandparents home in erie. we were continually moving the furniture around. i asked beth to put on the news, but my dad told me that they stopped airing the news since the conflict in indonesia broke out. kim told us when she is trying to trick someone her hair turns black. jay and i put on some of my grandfather's old clothes and pretended to be him. it was actually clothes that i could never imagine him wearing. we walked around outside and acted out scenes from his life.

i got a speeding ticket for driving to fast in the wal-mart parking lot. brooke, sherry's granddaughter was actually the one driving.

there was a really drawn out storyline about an india mob. it was boring.

an old detective told the story about how he had to convince the kid who was one day going to be his partner that there were way better cartoon characters than the ones that the kid was currently watching. the detective took the kid to the movies to prove it.

Friday, April 21, 2006

My dream was really intense last night. I don't remember a thing that happened, but man was it intense.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

george adamson was on stage at church playing the trumpet. he had on a shirt with stars on it that he had borrowed from his son mike. the shirt used to belong to me. he was also bullfighting.
I was the director for a Passion movie, the story of Jesus. My cast were people from CVS and I was at CVS waiting for something or someone. We were scheduled to shoot at 5:30 and we were shooting against the Gateway Marching Band. I didn't have any of my shots planned. Since I was the new manager of CVS it was my job to do all of this. My old manager was there and I was hoping she would help me. We ran up the middle of the road, it was deserted. At the light ahead there were all of these school buses turning to the left and next to the buses was the marching band, on foot, also turning left. I waited at the light, waved to people I knew like Steve Szumetz and this one girl who works in the pharmacy. I ran through the yellow light. I didn't even know how I was going to shoot Jesus on the cross and Anthony was pissed about it.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

So, last nite's dream was so exciting (to me), that I went back to sleep twice just so I could keep having it! And, for once, it worked! Ok, so me, Emily, Jason, Kim, Alicia (G, not M) and about 20 other people who we both knew and didn't know set forth on this trip to a school/mansion where we would all be studying/working. The heads of the school were this kind, young, wealthy couple who were to be called "Mom" and "Dad" by all of us. Our first nite, they showed us around the mansion, then tucked us in and said goodnite. I was awoken a short time later by someone entering the room...I froze up, somehow perceiving that this person was dangerous. The rest of my roommates were sound asleep--I laid on my stomach and pretended to be asleep as well. The man grabbed a knife that was laying on the bed next to me...I stayed perfectly still, and the man left. The next day, we all realized that we'd been taken hostage by this man and his sister (NOT "Mom" and "Dad"--they'd been kidnapped and taken somewhere else). We weren't allowed to leave our massive dormitory-style bedroom; the brother kept waving the knife around and screaming at all of us. That afternoon he had to leave "on business" and left his sister in charge of us...she looked like Em's pictures of Rosie Thomas! She was really nice and I befriended her by staying close to her and talking really close to her face (???). I tried to trick her by telling her that I *really* had to pee, and would she pleeease allow me to do so, but nice as she was, she would not--I got the sense it was because she was afraid of what her brother would do to her if I escaped. As I was attempting to find some way to get to the bathroom (I really did have to pee!), one of the people from our school group discovered that one of the walls rolled back revealing a stage and that there was a live rock concert going on--and that the brother was on stage singing! We saw that this was our chance to escape, so we all scattered in different directions...but me and Kim first made our way to the bathroom...we both really had to pee! While we were guarding the door for eachother, the brother and sister broke in! Yikes! But we told them that we weren't trying to escape and would they please give us our privacy. This worked (??) and soon me and Kim were off! We caught up with everyone else in some underground tunnel that eventually opened up to some hobo-party under a bridge. Emily had been there for hours! We were so happy to see her since we'd lost her earlier that morning and had no idea where she'd gone! She explained that she'd escaped by "making good tips". This meant that she had *had* to get out of the mansion, because she had an afternoon waitressing shift in town and felt she would be irresponsible to miss it, even though she was being held hostage. We all sat together and waited for the bus that would bring the rest of our friends. The day was sunny and everyone escaped.
i was at disneyworld/universal studios. king kong was there working at a ride. he was way smaller than he is in the movies, just double the size of a normal gorrilla. his cue was on to scare people on his ride, but he was really tired so the people who were about to be scared by him had to carry him to his starting point. disney began offering international flights and people were leaving the kong ride to go to europe and asia. i was going to go somewhere in canada, but decided to ride a little ways with vin out to san diego. then tammie krep (popular in the dreams this week) and i shared a ride through a very blizzardy downtown pittsburgh. i ended up at steak and shake with joel, nathan, and amy mcghee.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

I was on a road trip/run from the law with Tammie Krep and this guy I don't know- He had the sass of a high school bully. I remember stopping at a school for some reason. We ran to the pool and there were two different ones for boys and girls and a section for homosexuals in both. I remember being in the water and getting the dream drowning feeling. We left pretty quick because segregated swimming class was in progress. The school was huge and we ate samples like there would be in a grocery store only they were huge pieces of cake and brownies. Henri and Nico where there and I followed Henri into an attic with tons of rats- Nico took the elevator.
We got kicked out of school and went to the Good Samaritan thrift store which was huge and we bought lots of stuff. Em was there and she asked me if I found anything good.

Friday, April 14, 2006

madness in the woods

Another meeting in the woods! Only it was me and the entire Chiarizio family (Jerry & Colleen included) this time--and not the cult-group from 2 nite's ago. Me, Beth and Joel were riding in the bed of a truck looking at pictures when we drove past Ron Howard, who was standing on the side of the road staring. The "shot" we were seeing of him was ridiculous--as though he were on screen and there was a close-up of him--only this was NOT the case, Ron was just there near the road. His eyes were beady, but fixed. Joel bit his ear and then I cuddled with Joel in the truck. I think it was to comfort him from the trauma of biting Ron Howard, and Beth just watched us.
i started my americorps service and found out that i would be working with 11th graders instead of elementary school kids. a younger bustass was in the classroom i worked in and i spent all my time trying to make peace between him and a girl that he didn't get along with.

a huge tidal wave swept over parts of erie. i watched a video of it over and over.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

"our powers combined!" ??

Me, Emily, Jo-Nathan and Amy McGhee were all a part of this group...we were like The Power Rangers and/or The Planeteers (from Captain Planet). It was a cult and we met in the woods. We had to sneak away from the rest of our friends to do so. My 4th grade teacher Miss Setto was our "leader" and she gave us each rings. Our rings all looked different, had different lights, played different sounds, and cast different colors, but other than that, they had no power. Mine made green lights and an awful sound. We were each instructed as to our role in the group. It was like a "family" and I was offended because I was told that I was the baby. I was older than Emily, Jo-nathan, and Amy, so I didn't like that I had to be their "baby". Amy McGhee tried to convince me that it was ok, but I didn't want to go along with it, so I woke up.
jason and i were going to take ashley to see a comedian somewhere in the northern part of the state, but we got a late start and realized we wouldn't make it in time. i think we were running late because i spent too much time at the library. so instead we went to an eat n park that was several hours away. gateway was having a dance there, but for some reason this meant that jaime and kendyll were there. i couldn't figure out what i wanted to eat. the staff of eat n park was actually some people that work atchick-fil-a, like daisy, rich, and sherry. all they had was ice cream, but they had about 300 flavors. i finally decided that i wanted a peanut butter sundae and that i wanted daisy to make it for me. in order to get the peanut butter on it, we had to make a peanut butter sandwich, heat it in the microwave, and then wipe it onto the sundae. while we were doing this, a plot to destroy the earth was being unveiled by men from another planet, who were also at gateway's eat n park dance. i decided to go home.
Em was having a baby. it may or may not have been Jay's.
Daisy and I hung out in her car which was a house which was parked on a hillside.
I was at the hairdresser's awards and everyone from "my salon" was winning.
God knows what else...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My manager was being transferred to another store. The manager to replace him was named Barry Manilow. "I shit you not," the District Manager said. We laughed. My manager was very happy. Now back to bed.
random bits from my dream:

-my cousin juliet and i made party bags for some family function. i contributed pixie sticks and vitamins.

-i watched/particiapted in a documentary about a family of whales that lived in a pond. i think werner herzog was the director. at one point, i was under the water with them.

-my friend janelle and i walked to the new whole foods/trader joes in oakland, which was in the floor above india garden. jim capets was a manager and he tried to hire me to work under chris george. there was no way.

-i was on the south side for an orientation for a program i was involved in and something happened that really upset me.

-i was meeting up with someone for lunch, possibly mike parrish, and i think he ditched me to go out with "the guys" and somehow i ended up at pizza hut were they were and i felt stupid.

i want to make two notes here. since recording my dreams on here, i have noticed two patterns:

1. i dream about the ocean and marine life A LOT. i do like the ocean, but it's not like i take time every day to think/read about it to make it a regular part of my dreams. i could pick apart the above dream and tell you how almost everything is related to things that happened or i thought about yesterday (some things are completely random like pizza hut and parrish part), but the ocean is one thing that turns up an awful lot and i don't know were it comes from.

2. i get upset or angry in quite a few of my dreams, which is interesting because i don't get upset about many things in my waking life, and i rarely feel angry about anything. and it's not like i feel like i'm repressing any feelings, but is part of repressing emotions being unaware that you are doing so? i don't like it because i wake up many mornings feeling uneasy because i was so hurt or angry in one of my dreams.

i'm not into over-analyzing dreams like some flakey people can be (i.e. kendyll pierce age 17) with stupid dream symbol dictionaries (come on!), but i do think that there is something to some dreams, so i think i may get a book or two about dreams and see what they have to say.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

i was back in high school, but it wasn't ordinary high school, it was ocean high school. i woke up one morning before dawn and took a walk on the beach. it was stormy and this caused many fish to be washed up on the shore. i was put in charge of an effort to get as many of them back into the ocean, a job i reluctantly took. valerie from chick-fil-a was there.
in another part of my dream, i went to visit mike at his new apartment. he was telling me about the new tenant that just moved upstairs, some european teacher. mike thought they would get along.
in the last part of my dream, there was a fire at the school. firefighters were there immediately, but they made me come with them to the fire department and call 911 from there to make it official. they were a bunch of jerks, and even though i wanted them to put out the fire, i was as unhelpful as i possibly could be as they got ready, which took a terribly long time for people who were supposed to be rushing to an emergency.


nothing more. I just keep dreaming about cows! it's happened a few times this week! cows are around...some have been pregnant...but then I don't remember anything else from my dream! anyone care to analyze this one??

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I was driving with Andy Crammer. We were going through the "Crazy Tunnels of Pittsburgh" (which only exist in my dreams... normally I get really lost/trapped in them. they haven't shown up in a while.) Only this time nothing weird happened and we didn't get lost. We ended up coming out in a Walgreens parking lot. It was noticably empty and it made me feel a bit weird. I rode my wagon/bike in the parking lot. It was the size of a huge plane. Then this girl who was the first person I met when we moved to Pa. came running up to me. She had long brown hair and she isn't real. She tackled me. Suppositly she sucked on my big toe years ago- Em was quick to remind me. There was a huge Jesus mural on one of the windows near Walgreens. I remember something about McDonald's too. Andy was wearing a huge button down plaid shirt that he never would in real life. You have better style than that, Crammer. But you know that.
the morning after i had the last dream i posted, i was out and about in forest hills and came upon this:the sphere in my dream looked an awful lot like this, even though this isn't a sphere exactly. and it didn't have the westinghouse logo on it. nonetheless, it was kind of strange.

Friday, April 07, 2006

a little girl in kindergarden was given an assignment to write her autobiography. instead of writing it, she built a video camera and around the camera, she built a huge metal sphere. she recorded a song that she wrote on her electric guitar onto the camera so when the camera was recording, it was also playing music. she used this contraption to film herself sleeping for one hour every night. she then showed the footage to her class and that was her autobiography. beth, james, kim and i found the sphere 15 years later while we were out for a walk on a drizzly afternoon. we all stood inside the sphere (it was now broken in half) and remembered the little girl.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

my whole dream was me talking to our old neighbors from downstairs (they just moved out last weekend) for HOURS. they were quite belittling.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sherry threw me a set of work keys from the sky and into my living room where i was sitting with someone i don't think i was allowed to hang out with. The ring looks like a toddler toy with all sorts of shapes attached to it. Em got a set too even though she doesn't work there anymore.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Last nite I dreamed that Mike Nine was not 'too cool' to post on Blogger......

Saturday, April 01, 2006

i was somewhere in the northwest part of the country. i was traveling with a big group of people and we stopped at a little town in what was perhaps montana. there was boat ride that was set up in a swamp. some guy i went to high school with was in a boat with a girl. she was eaten by an alligator when he wasn't looking. he didn't notice that she was gone because the operators of the ride replaced her with another girl. i felt really sad.