random bits from my dream:
-my cousin juliet and i made party bags for some family function. i contributed pixie sticks and vitamins.
-i watched/particiapted in a documentary about a family of whales that lived in a pond. i think werner herzog was the director. at one point, i was under the water with them.
-my friend janelle and i walked to the new whole foods/trader joes in oakland, which was in the floor above india garden. jim capets was a manager and he tried to hire me to work under chris george. there was no way.
-i was on the south side for an orientation for a program i was involved in and something happened that really upset me.
-i was meeting up with someone for lunch, possibly mike parrish, and i think he ditched me to go out with "the guys" and somehow i ended up at pizza hut were they were and i felt stupid.
i want to make two notes here. since recording my dreams on here, i have noticed two patterns:
1. i dream about the ocean and marine life A LOT. i do like the ocean, but it's not like i take time every day to think/read about it to make it a regular part of my dreams. i could pick apart the above dream and tell you how
almost everything is related to things that happened or i thought about yesterday (some things are completely random like pizza hut and parrish part), but the ocean is one thing that turns up an awful lot and i don't know were it comes from.
2. i get upset or angry in quite a few of my dreams, which is interesting because i don't get upset about many things in my waking life, and i rarely feel angry about anything. and it's not like i feel like i'm repressing any feelings, but is part of repressing emotions being unaware that you are doing so? i don't like it because i wake up many mornings feeling uneasy because i was so hurt or angry in one of my dreams.
i'm not into over-analyzing dreams like some flakey people can be (i.e. kendyll pierce age 17) with stupid dream symbol dictionaries (come on!), but i do think that there is something to some dreams, so i think i may get a book or two about dreams and see what they have to say.