Saturday, July 15, 2006

it's been too long dream blog!

teresa and i were walking to the wave pool. it was a sunday.

my house burst into flames twice. in wasn't the same house either times nor were they houses i recognized from real life. the second time the flames exploded from the wall behind my giant tv-a tv like the one jay's parents used to have. i calmly started gathering up the things i wanted to save, but within a few seconds the blaze had died down.

i was out with parrish and he made me go to a store selling team apparel.

jeremi called me because i had his phone. i answered the phone saying that i was jeremi.


Blogger Reese said...

"Are you the one who broke this story? Well, I'm the US Firemarshall, and I say this place smells like gas!!"

"Don't do it! It's not safe! It's not safe!"


16/7/06 1:56 AM  

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