Tuesday, February 14, 2006

a bunch of us were in seattle and were walking around an outdoor shopping area that was like pike's marketplace, but wasn't. all of the sudden, everyone screamed because out of nowhere, i big multicolored half armadillo half anteater was in one on the booths. it was terrifying but nathan slafka was not afraid of it and picked it up and carried back to my house. there was another strange creature there but eventually they mutated into cats.

we were also in erie when we were at my house, and the time came for my grampa to die (he died almost 4 years ago) . some of his other relatives who had already died were there to take him with them. they were walking away and i cried and cried.


Blogger Rosemeyer said...

I guess 'first blogger' didnt actually read your blog. "Oh, you dreamt your Grandfather died, well Happy Valentines day."

14/2/06 7:49 AM  

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