Mike and I were drawing pictures of what was happening in "real time." I drew a portrait of a woman in a hat with a crazy large feather. I think she was standing nearby, but who knows. I was then hanging out at my work which I think was Bath and Body Works only more upscale. Anyway, I was fixing stacks of samples that were EVERYWHERE. After I'd fix them though my manager would move the stacks to make them look "messy cool." I was so mad at her and kept thinking "why didn't she just tell me she wanted them 'messy cool'?" Anyway, I had to sleep over for some reason, I think we were having a huge sale the next day but instead of sleeping I helped these girls pick out tote bags. They were all about the one with the Hagan Daz logo printed on it. I kept thinking "that's the worst one..." But you can't just tell them that, you know? I then ended up at my church where some sort of event was going on. I found my friend Dori from high school curled up in the corner. She didn't remember me... she was too high and drunk and at one point she was running around leaping into the air. I swear she could jump 20 feet... It was around this time that Halloween cat showed up- only with shorter hair. I kept thinking how I wanted to mate her with another Halloween cat and have little Halloween cats everywhere. But the funny thing is, I already have a Halloween kitten. Then Dori's dad came to take her away and we hugged and I told her I'll never forget her. She gave me a piece of her dad's rolled up skin and told me not to throw it away. She felt more like my friend Lacey... I think my dream messed up.
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