Saturday, September 30, 2006

i was part of a mexican game show/beauty contest. a bunch of women were competing to win the grand prize which i believe was $20,000. actually, i'm not sure because i remember wondering in my dream how much i could win. there was a series of events and somehow i was doing very well in all of them, even though i wasn't actually at the competion yet. i was preparing for one in which we all turned in a trading card and the one worth the most money won. i bought one randomly on a website and had no idea if it was any good. when i woke up, i was so amazed by how much of the detail from this dream i remembered, but now it's almost all gone. i should have written it right away.

Friday, September 29, 2006

-the tanner family, the bluths, and augusten burroughs adopted family in running with scissors.
-books written by every bluth, all of which i had read.
- a memory of being with my grandmother when she died and then remembering that she isn't dead.
-a little girl from the big amalgamated family having to having to go with her family to some country like belgium to be part of a trial or be interogated or something. one of her brothers was narrating about how the government will give his sister anything she would want to eat or drink while he had to spend his last thirty dollars just to get a soda. when they came home, they were going to vacation in cincinnati.
-having a mole that was more like a piercing in my ankle. it was this small gold daisy pin i used to have when i was little. i had a few other tattoos and peircings on my ankle and i was grossed out by them and trying to get rid of them.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

my boyfriend (who i think was jason) was cut to ribbons by a killer while i watched.
he told me not to tell or he'd cut me up as well.
instead he offered me this advice, "torch the place".
i wrestled with my own inner conflict for three days.
i attempted burning the cabin where he lived.
i thought about turning the killer in.
i thought about running away.
before any of this was accomplished, a woman found him.
i went back as she pulled back the bed spread.
only he wasn't dead.
he just needed to go to doctor.

joel wanted to know if we went to texas road house
"in a sense..." i told him.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

i revamped dream blog. isn't it dreamy???
there was a wedding. i think mia's wedding.
everyone was there and so were... black bears!
we ended up setting up a fortress against the bears in the evangeliste house/warehouse.
the bears ended up sort of almost finding a way in.
they were upset we locked them out.
oh, and the duboy's old dog was there and watched me use the bathroom.
first, it started as a foot race. there were about three or four younger kids ages three to ten and joel, mike nine, maybe beth and jason. they were on a track running a circle. i was watching from the sidelines with the younger kids parents. we were all at a park in north carolina. i think. then the race bacame more of a game. it was soccer but with a small deck hockey ball. then the track was filled with water and everyone got off of it. we were given the option to play on the coolest shoes/skates ever. they were baskets that you put on your feet and they were triangular shaped. they had motors in them which made them like little motorboats. at this point i decided to play. not only was i the only 0ne who could figure out how to use them, i was also an instant pro. the game turned more into hockey and joel and i played against a five year old boy. mostly i just remember gliding around on the skates. it was a very vivid dream and it was incredible.

there was also a halloween party that none of us really wanted to go into so we all hung out in the car.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

aaron from mewithoutYou was a cat, shape shifting in my trees.

i had a celebrity party in my backyard and megan was pissed at me.

this woman summoned whale bones to life in lake erie. the huge whale leaped out of the water many times, creating a whirl pool.

there was a murder mystery at shop'n'save. i had to work thanksgiving day. all the boys who worked there just turned 19 and therefore could coal mine under the store.

also, alec baldwin was a new casher.

Monday, September 25, 2006

i had to complete some mission. it was very complex and involved an old house and a video game. i think dead things were in there, too - also an alarm to trip and ropes to swing on. it was a video game because i could start over if i failed. i started over and over and over.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

i was working with some of the same kids from summer camp. we were going to make a fantastic craft and andrew bird was playing for us while we worked on it. it was a lovely dream.

Friday, September 22, 2006

the dream in which i use full names.

i was waiting for the bus in an alleyway that was throwing away several yard sales. i got some stupid things mostly involving e.t. . i knew i didn't have enough money for the bus so i figured i'd just drive.
brian (from apollo at go) threw me from megan's balcony, onto the ceiling, and then to a couch all in one go. i told people about it all night while cracking up. 800 people were at megan's and we were watching indie porn??
i was going to go to class on the northside but decided against it. my mom and emily were arguing about driving in the city and how long it would take at 9 am. "you always say it takes so long, but jason and i never have to wait!"

Thursday, September 21, 2006

i was continually messing up my shifts at ronald mcdonald house. i think there was a flood which was eating up a good chunk of my time with rescuing friends and whatnot. it was a very intense dream. i woke up with my phone in bed with me (i use it as my alarm clock)-i had turned off my alarm in my sleep and slept in until 9:30am, missing my 9:00am recitation. i never sleep in this late, not even when i was in california and 9:30am was actually 6:30am. awesome. thanks a lot dream, you ruined my day.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I doubt I can capture this, it's so absurd.
It all started in the AIM info box of Mike Nine. Someone was talking to him about my sex life (?) and how I'm 'loose'. But somehow Mike blocked out most of the text and left certain words visible. It still revealed a lot of personal information that totally pissed me off.
I had no idea who this person was.
It turned out he was a killer named Ben.
We -my roommates and I- realized this upon finding a dismembered body in an empty apartment. It was neatly packaged in a clear plastic box.
Ben started killing my roommates and packaging them in boxes, as well.
We lived on a house boat touring Asia.
We locked down the doors each night, but he kept finding his way in.
It was so casual, though...
We set out for the middle of the ocean in order to escape him.
I remember a montage of Asian culture at some point.
The whole dream felt like a weird slasher film.
In the end, he made clones of all the people he killed and set out to lead a normal life as an artist.
I saw the clone of my one beloved roommate swimming. He didn't know me and I cried a bit.

Monday, September 11, 2006

jay amd i were at my grandparents' house in erie, but for some reason, we weren't supposed to be there and were in danger of getting arrested. we had to be sneaks to escape.

there was a black and white picture of a middle aged woman looking out from the window of her second story apartment. her mouth was twisted to the side and she looked like a corpse. someone also had a video of her when the photo was taken and something could be seen in the background, so i went to investigate with some people including jason. she let us into her apartment and sitting at her dining room table were the skeletons of her mother and father. there was a third one that may have been her husband. we were creeped out, but later on it all became somewhat of a joke to us.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

someone made a documentary about the murder of thomas, a boy i knew from erie. teresa and i were with him the night he was murdered. some of us were being held captive by the murderers and when they went out, we tried to escape. someone said it wouldn't be a good idea because they might try to find us later, but i said that they might not care. we left the house and were hiding on a college campus which was in the middle of a suburban town, kind of like monroeville. their library had been sold so they bought a strip mall and were setting up their library in there. a bunch of people i haven't seen in years were in my dream and overall, the dream had a creppy, but good feeling.
I was hanging out with my manager. His wife went on a cruise or something and left him to take care of her uncle, who has aids - at least in the dream. So we're talking about it on a bed. I'm sitting to the side on a chair and he's in the bed. The bed was brilliantly white. Some of the things he was saying: "When I die I want you to just roll me into a grave and get on with your life." He had to take this guy to an aids gathering at the stadium. He didn't mind that. "You know who won't be there? A waitress. And you know what kind of shirts I like to wear? Ones with tits on them. So I'll be wearing those." Some how he started talking about David Brent and then asked, "You know who likes to smoke marijuana?" I assumed he meant David Brent. "Me." 'Really?' I asked. "Oh yeah."

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

my dreams have been hard to explain recently. they are vivid but noneventful. it's frustrating to not be able to post them.

i was going to school that was a mix between college and high school. to get upstairs and down stairs you had to use ladders. i was going up to one of my classes but go really dizzy and almost fell off the ladder. i felt bad that i was holding people up. so much other stuff happened...a car with fish decals on it, christian romance novels laying around, taking my grandparents out to eat late at night, but it's all a messy blur and i hate it.