Thursday, February 16, 2006

My dream involved these things:
i) Anthony who I thought was Mike in the dream, but it was definitely Anthony in terms of looks, that much I know.
ii) a game of basketball
iii) bikes, and no joke.
iv) Amy McGhee
v) two big vehicles
vi) two of those bike-rack-things that strap onto the back of a vehicle, what are they called?

Anyway I remember messing with Amy's for a long time. I kept trying to tighten it but when I tightened the one side the other side would loosen up. My 'bike rack' was on the ground and hers was on my vehicle, we both had suburban-size vehicles. I remember Anthony/Mike kept beating me at basketball which I felt really weak about. Which is how basketball is these days. I used to be ok at basketball, but now I'm crap at it. It's a sad life, 'in this life'. 'haha'


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