Tuesday, February 28, 2006

This one is from of Old... (or at least it's from last week)

I was sleeping outside of Emily and Jason's apartment...no one else had slept there, inside or out, only me. Emily had apparently been sleeping at her parent's house, and Jason...who knows where he was? Emily woke up and came to her apartment to find me in her yard...and couldn't have been more delighted. She asked me, "Oh, did you spend the nite here?" And I was like, "Yeah, but I didn't go in, I just stayed here under this tree! But it was fine cause I had Jason's sleeping bag!!" Then we went on and on about how great Jason's sleeping bag is, how warm, and how it had sheltered me from the elements on a cold, wet, February nite.

We then went for a walk, up some hills, and it was sunny.
I went to jail for a murder I did not commit. I escaped and stayed in my attic (there was also something about a halloween home video...) I've had this dream before (althought I may just have had the dream in the dream) and remembered that I died. I woke up before it happened.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

"Your Mom might be silly you have to stand up to eat them they're so big Muffins" TM

In last's nite's dream, this was the name of the brand of muffins being advertised on a tv commercial being shown at a Day Care Center that myself and Alicia G. went to to seek employment. We got there thinking that they were hiring teachers for the kids, but once we stepped inside we realized it was more like a Mommy & Me club where parents just kinda sat around and watched their kids play...or they could exercise. It was especially lame because the Center only had 1 or 2 toys for all the kids, and me and Alicia just so happened to have brought these *exact* same toys, only more of them. For example, in one of the 5 purses that we'd brought along with us (???) we had a wooden snake toy and a jump rope...the entire PreSchool only had 1 wooden snake and 1 jump rope for all those kids to share! Again, Lame! So...while we were trying to decide whether or not we should just leave, and while all of the parents were being shown the exercise equipment that was available for them to use while the kids played (of which, by the way, there were NUMEROUS pieces of equipment, compared to the 2 toys for their children) a commercial came on for the world's most enormous strawberry and blueberry muffins!!! They were appropriately called, "You're Mom Might Be Silly You Have To Stand Up To Eat Them They're So Big Muffins" TM. And the *best* part of all was that at this *exact* same moment in my dream, I was awoken by Emily who was asking me & Beth if we wanted blueberry pancakes while she also commented on "How nice it would be to have blueberry muffins right now." Amazing.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

I was having another graduation party, even thought it's been 2 years nice I graduated. Only no one was there, really. Just Em, James, and a few people who went to my church. Leah McLaughlin had attempted suicide recently so it was awkward because she showed up. I kept going to this department store that sold blenders and made about 3 milkshakes with a lot of coconut in them. The store was still at my party, but not really. This girl who I'm kind of friends with setting up a tent under an abandoned building and was doing a campaign to work at Urban Outfitters. She had cards we had to lick and if we won she'd give us gift cards.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It was spring break. We were dancing on this weird globe thing. People from Survivor were falling off and tumbling on the rocks. People were swimming in this weird pond and water skiing. Everyone was going to CCAC and in my jewelry class where all we did were crossword puzzles. I was in Emily and Jay's car (and yes the window was fixed) driving to Erie I think. I made this weird turn and a cop pulled me over. I ran from him on foot but he caught up with me at Westmorland Mall. He didn't want to give me a ticket. he just wanted to tell me how wrong I was. I was driving in this weird city all alone and I stopped for gas or something. I was in school again and I had to take this weird drug in the form of a pill. The administration was mandating it. I threw my pill across the room and snuck out of school one minute early. I ran. I ran to an informal court room where a man wanted me to testify in his defense. I did no such thing and told the judge the truth. He wasn't allowed to drive or something and afterwards I think he was following me and I was scared. I met up with Dave and Keith who were putting on my make-up and telling this guy they were vampires. We ended up driving somewhere in Em and Jay's car and Keith held my hand. It was nice but unrealistic. We went back to spring break party and everyone danced. danced. danced. danced. I think costume lady was even there. I was in class again and left to use the bathroom. This kid Jon Schadal or something was in there too. He kept washing his hands. After I finished I flushed the toilet and it wouldn't work. It backed up and I was embarrassed. I kept trying and trying. The bathroom turned into Emily and Jason's car and there was urine all over the seats in little yellow stains. Martis and Mike where with me and I insisted that we take the car to be cleaned. I didn't want anyone at spring break to see what I had done. Martis was drunk and driving and I remember swerving to avoid hitting people and other vehicles. We kept driving in the Giant Eagle parking lot for some reason.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

we were camping somewhere i think. and there was something about decorating... anyway, next thing i know i'm garbage hunting with my dad and we end up at the house of people i knew but didn't know. we, my dad and i, were figuring out how to take this green street lamp that was "about 6 inches taller than normal." but it was still attached and working. they were throwing it out though... only because other trash was piled around it. the woman who lived there came out and she told us how she hated the chickfila cow. i remember looking down and seeing little bits of cfa cow cardboard scattered on the ground. my dad apparently had chopped it up wth a chainsaw. i was then sitting around with megan. we were talking about our friend chaz and how easy it was to cuddle with him. i remember an instance where he and i made out in front of his tape collection. i felt romantic. somehow i was then being chased by chaz and nick. i ducked behind the tape deck and chaz found me. he told me we were going to listen to records.

Friday, February 17, 2006

in my dream last night my family and i were on a road trip. here are some highlights:

-we were going to stay at a bed and breakfats but there was a creepy little water snake in the pond on the property.

-we stopped at a huge bakery that was closed down and we started taking cookies, but then realized that it had closed because a woman who worked there had died.

- i helped a pregnant woman from india get a plane ticket so she could have her baby on the plane. i found out that she was a girl who was the annoying obessessed crush of my friend karl in high school. they ended up getting together and it was his baby she was having. he wrote me a note about it.

-we were shopping at a grocery store and i made up a lie about a certain kind of cereal and told it to two teenaged boys. i told them that if they ate this cereal a small person would jump inside their ears and tell them lies constantly. it was because there was too much fiber in the cereal.

that's all i remember for now...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My dream involved these things:
i) Anthony who I thought was Mike in the dream, but it was definitely Anthony in terms of looks, that much I know.
ii) a game of basketball
iii) bikes, and no joke.
iv) Amy McGhee
v) two big vehicles
vi) two of those bike-rack-things that strap onto the back of a vehicle, what are they called?

Anyway I remember messing with Amy's for a long time. I kept trying to tighten it but when I tightened the one side the other side would loosen up. My 'bike rack' was on the ground and hers was on my vehicle, we both had suburban-size vehicles. I remember Anthony/Mike kept beating me at basketball which I felt really weak about. Which is how basketball is these days. I used to be ok at basketball, but now I'm crap at it. It's a sad life, 'in this life'. 'haha'

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

last nights dream involved:
  • huge cats
  • retreats
  • the jungle
  • the ladder that's always leaning against my house that freaks me out at night
  • the evangeliste's porch
  • i want to say 'pat vanhorn'?
  • timmy the fox
  • joel getting his hand bit off, popping it back into place, and "never being able to play guitar again..."

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

a bunch of us were in seattle and were walking around an outdoor shopping area that was like pike's marketplace, but wasn't. all of the sudden, everyone screamed because out of nowhere, i big multicolored half armadillo half anteater was in one on the booths. it was terrifying but nathan slafka was not afraid of it and picked it up and carried back to my house. there was another strange creature there but eventually they mutated into cats.

we were also in erie when we were at my house, and the time came for my grampa to die (he died almost 4 years ago) . some of his other relatives who had already died were there to take him with them. they were walking away and i cried and cried.
I was living at Joel's house, but it was actually three stories high and I was on the top floor. But my room consisted of weight-lifting eguipment and a tv high up on the wall. We were all in a band together. Tish told Joel that he looked like a 'Little Columbo' which apparently meant that he needed to get in shape and that we all needed to get in shape. That we needed to clean up our image. Joel said he always thought that bands could 'have tits'. He said there's always someone fat kid in the band and this band is always in music magazines near the end (of the magazine).

I remembered my dream!

Monday, February 13, 2006

I have this recurring dream that I never attended my 11th. grade English class taught by Ms. Niemi... In last night's episode, I got a CD-Rom in the mail 3 years after the fact asking me if I would accept a failing grade.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

There was a crowd of stormcrows all galloping towards the sun when I became the moon perched upon a butterfly. The wind was daunting and I was feeling gloomy so we ate cheesesteaks by the lake, me and the stormcrows.

I never have dreams and decided I was missing out so...I made this up.
i was on vacation with mia, joel, dan, jon, jerilyn (recent star of my dreams) beth, jason, pos. joel and the sturm boys. we had befriended a talking whale, but he died, so on the last night we wanted to stay up and tell stories. jerilyn launched into some tale about ghosts or demons or something and she was so serious that she crushed the fun mood and we all decided to go to bed. the next morning, i got talked into playing a soccer video game with the sturms and some bratty little girl. it wasn't played electronically, but rather on a board with little straw figures. it was the three of them (who all know this game very well) vs me. it wasn't fair at all.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Mike and I were drawing pictures of what was happening in "real time." I drew a portrait of a woman in a hat with a crazy large feather. I think she was standing nearby, but who knows. I was then hanging out at my work which I think was Bath and Body Works only more upscale. Anyway, I was fixing stacks of samples that were EVERYWHERE. After I'd fix them though my manager would move the stacks to make them look "messy cool." I was so mad at her and kept thinking "why didn't she just tell me she wanted them 'messy cool'?" Anyway, I had to sleep over for some reason, I think we were having a huge sale the next day but instead of sleeping I helped these girls pick out tote bags. They were all about the one with the Hagan Daz logo printed on it. I kept thinking "that's the worst one..." But you can't just tell them that, you know? I then ended up at my church where some sort of event was going on. I found my friend Dori from high school curled up in the corner. She didn't remember me... she was too high and drunk and at one point she was running around leaping into the air. I swear she could jump 20 feet... It was around this time that Halloween cat showed up- only with shorter hair. I kept thinking how I wanted to mate her with another Halloween cat and have little Halloween cats everywhere. But the funny thing is, I already have a Halloween kitten. Then Dori's dad came to take her away and we hugged and I told her I'll never forget her. She gave me a piece of her dad's rolled up skin and told me not to throw it away. She felt more like my friend Lacey... I think my dream messed up.
this was one of those incrediblely long dreams so i will pick up from what is most clear until i woke up. beth and i were sleeping in a park on the northwest side of pittsburgh. when we went to sleep, we weren't really thinking that it was a bad idea to sleep in this park in the city because we were lost plus, we wanted to get a head start on clam collecting in the low tide the next morning. when we woke up, i realized we probably shouldn't have slept there, especially because of all the homeless people who were lurking around (they weren't nice homeless people, they were all creepy middle aged men). so i got beth up and we left. we ended up at my grandparent's backyard in erie (sidenote: this has been the site of many of my dreams) there we resumed our clam hunting but somehow got roped into helping out our church's youth group in a huge game of hide and go seek. joel was the seeker and there was no where good to hide. i just wanted to get back to hunting for clams. joel found me and we all were brought back to the church's activity center where pastor gary's son, jesse was preaching. during the end prayer, i wasn't holding my hands right and jerilyn clair felt that she needed to correct me. i responded to her by saying something like, "i don't think god gives a damn about how i hold my hands." once the preyer was over, i got a text message from jesse telling me thanks for swearing during his prayer and why didn't i also say 'jesus christ'? he was being extremely sarcastic. i basically had the whole church mad at me so i went outside to wait for someone to come to talk to me about what happened, but i just kept getting angry text messages. i was really angry and hurt.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I haven't been sleeping much at all... goodbye dreams.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

i was in some state i am not familiar with at all, when i came across two baby bears. i think they were hunting a puppy. don't worry, he got away.

Friday, February 03, 2006

james and i were in Germany running from the cops on foot. we broke into a house, found in the kitchen that the stove was left on, we turned it off for them then kept running. we saw German kids racing their cars. later we came to a housing construction site, and GOB showed us around the newest built house.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

mia and jerilyn were really excited the new bustass movie, all the real girls II.
last night was the first dream i remember in a while. james and i moved into a gorgeous new house. i'm not sure of the location, but it was warm out, and we were wearing summer clothes. our neighbor across the street was Nick Lachey - formerly married to Jessica Simpson. he was moving out (i think it was because of his recent divorce) and he was very friendly to us. he gave us a lot of furniture that he didn't need/want anymore. there was a whole second dream sequence after this one, but i forgot it immediately.
Here I dreamt I was a Spaniard. I will be buried with my marionettes.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

i was at hidden lake, which is a cabin/retreat center in the sierra nevada mountains. i rode in the church van with kristin burtoft to get there. we dove in the lake as soon as we got there and felt great, thinking that i could swim out to these rocks that people jumped off of (in real life when i was there and did so, i ended up very winded because of my sports induced asthma.) all of the sudden, giant waves started breaking over us from the wake of a big boat that was motoring around (hidden lake is not huge and when i've been there we just used a cute little rowboat, so this giant sportsboat was really out of place) we decided to get out and sit on the pier for a while. as we watched the water, it started to clear and as it did, i saw minnows, then small fish, and then big fish all teeming in the water i had just been swimming in. kristin pointed at the surface of the water and there skimming across the top was a large water snake. it had horned ears, long slitted eyes, and was yellow golden in color. it was slightly robotic looking and very beautiful. i decided then i would never go back into the water. (a little side note: i did see two snakes gliding across the water at hidden lake before.)

in another part of my dream, i was living in a small one story house with jay. it was about four in the morning and i looked up to see mia's face in our bedroom window. i went to the front door to see what she wanted. she was very angry and started asking me questions about some pants that i owned and soem girl named christina. somehow it was all over a guy. i had no idea what she was talking about.